Academic Calendar

Spanish (SPAN)

SPAN 1182  Introductory Spanish 1  3 cr  

(Lab required) This course is designed for students with very limited or no previous knowledge of Spanish. It provides an introductory study of essential grammatical structures and vocabulary that emphasizes the development of communications skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Various aspects of the societies and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world will to be studied. Upon successful completion, students will have achieved proficiency equivalent to Level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The course is not open to students who have taken Senior 4 Spanish, students with native or near-native proficiency. Students with a proficiency level beyond this course will be directed to a higher-level course. It is not open to students who have previously obtained credit in any of: SPAN 1262, SPAN 1263, SPAN 1272, SPAN 1273, SPAN 1280, SPAN 1290, the former SPAN 1260, the former SPAN 1261, the former TRAD 1261, the former SPAN 1270, the former SPAN 1271, or the former TRAD 1271. May not be held with any of: SPAN 1171, SPAN 1191, the former SPAN 1180, the former SPAN 1181 (former TRAD 1181), or the former SPAN 1190.

Mutually Exclusive: SPAN 1171, SPAN 1180, SPAN 1181, SPAN 1190, SPAN 1191, SPAN 1272, SPAN 1280, TRAD 1181

Attributes: Humanities, Recommended Intro Courses

SPAN 1184  Introductory Spanish 2  3 cr  

(Lab required) This course continues with the study of grammatical structures and vocabulary, and development of a functional level of communicative proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Various aspects of the societies and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world will continue to be studied. Upon completion, students will have achieved proficiency equivalent to Level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The course is not open to students who have taken Senior 4 Spanish, students with native or near-native proficiency. Students with a proficiency level beyond this course will be directed to a higher-level course. It is not open to students who have previously obtained credit in any of: SPAN 1262, SPAN 1263, SPAN 1272, SPAN 1273, SPAN 1280, SPAN 1290, the former SPAN 1260, the former SPAN 1261, the former TRAD 1261, the former SPAN 1270, the former SPAN 1271, or the former TRAD 1271. May not be held with any of: SPAN 1171, SPAN 1191, the former SPAN 1180, the former SPAN 1181 (former TRAD 1181), or the former SPAN 1190.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: SPAN 1182 or written permission of department head.

Mutually Exclusive: SPAN 1171, SPAN 1180, SPAN 1181, SPAN 1190, SPAN 1191, SPAN 1272, SPAN 1280, TRAD 1181

Attributes: Humanities, Recommended Intro Courses

SPAN 1262  Intermediate Spanish Grammar and Conversation 1  3 cr  

(Lab required) This course is the first of the intermediate Spanish language sequence. Focus is on developing intermediate skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening. The primary goals are to build communicative competence and enhance social and cultural awareness of the Spanish-speaking world. Not open to students with native oral fluency. May not be held with any of: SPAN 1263, SPAN 1280, SPAN 1290, the former SPAN 1260, the former SPAN 1261, or the former TRAD 1261.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: [SPAN 1182 and SPAN 1184] or [one of: SPAN 1191, the former SPAN 1180, the former SPAN 1181, the former TRAD 1181, or the former SPAN 1190] or written consent of department head.

Equiv To: SPAN 1263

Mutually Exclusive: SPAN 1260, SPAN 1261, SPAN 1280, SPAN 1290, TRAD 1261

Attributes: Humanities, Recommended Intro Courses

SPAN 1272  Intermediate Spanish Grammar and Conversation 2  3 cr  

(Lab required) This course is the second of the intermediate Spanish language sequence. Focus is on continued development of intermediate skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening. The primary goals are to further enhance communicative competence and social and cultural awareness of the Spanish-speaking world. Not open to students with native oral fluency. May not be held with any of: SPAN 1181, SPAN 1182, SPAN 1184, SPAN 1191, SPAN 1273, SPAN 1280, SPAN 1290, the former SPAN 1180, the former SPAN 1190, the former SPAN 1270, the former SPAN 1271, or the former TRAD 1271.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: One of SPAN 1262, SPAN 1263, the former SPAN 1260, the former SPAN 1261, or the former TRAD 1261 or written consent of instructor or department head.

Equiv To: SPAN 1273

Mutually Exclusive: SPAN 1180, SPAN 1181, SPAN 1182, SPAN 1184, SPAN 1190, SPAN 1191, SPAN 1270, SPAN 1271, SPAN 1280, SPAN 1290, TRAD 1271

Attributes: Humanities, Recommended Intro Courses

SPAN 1280  Spanish for Native Speakers  3 cr  

A survey of grammar and writing for students with an advanced level of oral Spanish. All the class exercises, readings, activities and examinations will be in Spanish. May not be held with any of: SPAN 1181, SPAN 1182, SPAN 1184, SPAN 1191, SPAN 1262, SPAN 1263, SPAN 1272, SPAN 1273, SPAN 1290, the former SPAN 1180, the former SPAN 1190, the former SPAN 1260, the former SPAN 1261, the former SPAN 1270, the former SPAN 1271, the former TRAD 1261, or the former TRAD 1271.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: written consent of instructor or department head.

Mutually Exclusive: SPAN 1180, SPAN 1181, SPAN 1182, SPAN 1184, SPAN 1190, SPAN 1191, SPAN 1260, SPAN 1261, SPAN 1262, SPAN 1263, SPAN 1270, SPAN 1271, SPAN 1272, SPAN 1273, SPAN 1290, TRAD 1261, TRAD 1271

Attributes: Humanities, Recommended Intro Courses

SPAN 1290  Accelerated Intermediate Spanish  6 cr  

(Lab required) This is a one term accelerated course which combines the content of SPAN 1262 and SPAN 1272. It is a review of grammar and pronunciation structured around extensive writing practice and conversation of contemporary issues relating to the Spanish speaking world. There will be six hours of classroom instruction with a two hour laboratory per week. This course is not open to students with native oral fluency. Students may not hold credit for SPAN 1290 and any of: SPAN 1262, SPAN 1263, SPAN 1272, SPAN 1273, SPAN 1280, the former SPAN 1260, the former SPAN 1261, the former TRAD 1261, the former SPAN 1270, the former SPAN 1271, the former TRAD 1271.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: [SPAN 1182 and SPAN 1184] or [one of: the former SPAN 1180, SPAN 1181, TRAD 1181, SPAN 1190, or SPAN 1191] or written consent of instructor or department head.

Mutually Exclusive: SPAN 1180, SPAN 1181, SPAN 1190, SPAN 1191, SPAN 1260, SPAN 1261, SPAN 1262, SPAN 1263, SPAN 1270, SPAN 1271, SPAN 1272, SPAN 1273, SPAN 1280, TRAD 1261, TRAD 1271

Attributes: Humanities, Recommended Intro Courses

SPAN 2200  Spanish American Culture and Civilization  3 cr  

A picture of the geographical, political, economic, social, artistic and cultural forces in Latin America. Essays, cultural readings, newspaper articles, magazines and films are utilized to enhance awareness and to stimulate discussion.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: [SPAN 1262 or SPAN 1263 or SPAN 1272 or SPAN 1273 or SPAN 1280 or SPAN 1290 or the former SPAN 1260 or the former SPAN 1261 or the former TRAD 1261 or the former SPAN 1270 or the former SPAN 1271 or the former TRAD 1271] or written consent of department head.

Attributes: Humanities

SPAN 2210  Voices and Images of Latin America  3 cr  

A study of the important figures that have influence on social and artistic movements of the Latin American culture such as Frida Khalo, Diego Rivera, Che Guevara, and Fernando Botero.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: [SPAN 1262 or SPAN 1263 or SPAN 1272 or SPAN 1273 or SPAN 1280 or SPAN 1290 or the former SPAN 1260 or the former SPAN 1261 or the former TRAD 1261 or the former SPAN 1270 or the former SPAN 1271 or the former TRAD 1271] or written consent of department head.

Attributes: Humanities

SPAN 2510  Survey of Spanish Civilization  3 cr  

A study of the history of Spanish culture with special stress on its non-literary arts, and selected aspects of Spanish life.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: [SPAN 1262 or SPAN 1263 or SPAN 1272 or SPAN 1273 or SPAN 1280 or SPAN 1290 or the former SPAN 1260 or the former SPAN 1261 or the former TRAD 1261 or the former SPAN 1270 or the former SPAN 1271 or the former TRAD 1271] or written consent of department head.

Attributes: Humanities

SPAN 2520  Introduction to Spanish Literature  3 cr  

This course will consist of an introduction to Spanish literary characteristics and the study of selected works from the major historical periods and genres.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: [SPAN 1262 or SPAN 1263 or SPAN 1272 or SPAN 1273 or SPAN 1280 or SPAN 1290 or the former SPAN 1260 or the former SPAN 1261 or the former TRAD 1261 or the former SPAN 1270 or the former SPAN 1271 or the former TRAD 1271] or written consent of department head.

Attributes: Humanities

SPAN 2550  Advanced Spanish Composition  3 cr  

Designed to enhance the student's ability in writing Spanish. Emphasis on advanced grammatical concepts and clarity of expression. Students may not hold credit for both SPAN 2550 and SPAN 2551.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: [SPAN 1262 or SPAN 1263 or SPAN 1280 or SPAN 1290 or the former SPAN 1260 or the former SPAN 1261 or the former TRAD 1261] or written consent of department head.

Equiv To: SPAN 2551

Attributes: Humanities

SPAN 2560  Advanced Spanish Conversation  3 cr  

Designed to enhance the student's conversational skills. Intensive oral practise as well as written exercises based on contemporary issues. Not open to students with native oral fluency.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: [SPAN 1262 (the former SPAN 1260) and SPAN 1272 (the former SPAN 1270)] or [SPAN 1263 (the former SPAN 1261 or the former TRAD 1261) and SPAN 1273 (the former SPAN 1271 or the former TRAD 1271)] or [SPAN 1290] or written consent of department head.

Attributes: Humanities

SPAN 2570  Special Studies  3 cr  

The content of this course is variable, depending on the needs and interests of students and instructors. A tutorial form is used. The course content may vary. Students can earn multiple credits for this course only when the topic subtitle is different.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: [1000-level Spanish course] or written consent of department head.

Attributes: Humanities

SPAN 2580  Contemporary Spanish Female Playwrights  3 cr  

This course introduces students to the study of Spanish theater written by contemporary women writers. The course will explore how they use their work and the stage to denounce a contemporary Spanish society that needs to be reexamined. Analysis will underscore how these playwrights treat dis/similar subject matters: search for identity, gender, sexuality, relationships, patriarchal values, feminism, among others. The course will be taught in Spanish. All class readings and examinations are in Spanish.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: [SPAN 1262 or SPAN 1263 or SPAN 1272 or SPAN 1273 or SPAN 1280 or SPAN 1290 or the former SPAN 1260 or the former SPAN 1261 or the former TRAD 1261 or the former SPAN 1270 or the former SPAN 1271 or the former TRAD 1271] or written consent of department head.

Attributes: Humanities

SPAN 3070  Dali, Lorca, Bunuel  3 cr  

Study of the three most representative members of Spanish surrealism and avant-gardism in the twentieth century.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: [2000-level Spanish course] or written consent of department head.

Attributes: Humanities

SPAN 3080  Contemporary Latin American Novel  3 cr  

This course will concentrate on the major writers of the Latin American "Boom" such as: Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Carlos Fuentes, Julio Cortazar and Mario Vargas Llosa. It may also include other authors connected with the Boom such as: Alejo Carpentier, Juan Rulfo, Jorge Luis Borges, Manuel Puig.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: [2000-level Spanish course] or written consent of department head.

Attributes: Humanities

SPAN 3220  Contemporary Spanish Cinema  3 cr  

A survey of Contemporary Spain through its cinema and other cultural manifestations. All the class readings, class lectures, movies and examinations are in Spanish.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: [2000-level Spanish course] or written consent of department head.

Attributes: Humanities

SPAN 3270  Special Studies  3 cr  

The content of this course is variable, depending on the needs and interests of students and instructors. A tutorial format is used. The course content may vary. Students can earn multiple credits for this course only when the topic subtitle is different.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: [2000-level Spanish course] or written consent of department head.

Attributes: Humanities

SPAN 3290  The Art of Translation  3 cr  

A course on the basic techniques of translation and a study of specialized vocabulary related to the professions.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: [2000-level Spanish course] or written consent of department head.

Attributes: Humanities

SPAN 3300  Cinema and Literature  3 cr  

A survey of the culture (Spain and Latin America) through its literature and cinema. The course will be taught in Spanish. All the readings, movies, activities and examinations will be in Spanish.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: [2000-level Spanish course] or written consent of department head.

Attributes: Humanities

SPAN 3310  Advanced Spanish Vocabulary and Composition  3 cr  

A survey of grammar and vocabulary, the course also emphasizes and enhances students' writing abilities. The course will be taught in Spanish. All the class exercises, readings, activities and examinations will be in Spanish.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: [2000-level Spanish course] or written consent of department head.

Attributes: Humanities

SPAN 3320  Testimony and Human Rights in Latin America  3 cr  

A survey of the culture of human rights in Latin America through its testimonial literature. The course will be taught in Spanish. All readings, activities and examinations will be in Spanish.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: [2000-level Spanish course] or written consent of department head.

Attributes: Humanities

SPAN 3330  Spanish Phonetics and Pronunciation  3 cr  

This course includes a thorough study of advanced Spanish phonetics and pronunciation. Students may not hold credit for both SPAN 3330 and the former SPAN 3280.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: [2000-level Spanish course] or written consent of department head.

Equiv To: SPAN 3280

Attributes: Humanities

SPAN 3340  Spanish Syntax and Grammar  3 cr  

This course includes a thorough study of advanced Spanish syntax and grammar. Students may not hold credit for SPAN 3340 and any of: SPAN 3441 or the former SPAN 3280.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: [2000-level Spanish course] or written consent of department head.

Equiv To: SPAN 3280

Attributes: Humanities

SPAN 3670  Poetry and Novel of the Golden Age  3 cr  

This course will concentrate on major poets and novelists of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries such as Garcilaso de la Vega, Fray Luis de Leon, S. Juan de la Cruz, Lope de Vega, Gongora, and Cervantes.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: [2000-level Spanish course] or written consent of department head.

Attributes: Humanities

SPAN 3680  Drama of the Golden Age  3 cr  

A study of representative works by the principal dramatists of the Spanish classical period, such as Lope de Vega, Tirso de Molina, Vélez de Guervara, and Calderon de la Barca.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: [2000-level Spanish course] or written consent of department head.

Attributes: Humanities

SPAN 3780  Short Fiction in Spanish  3 cr  

A study of short narrative fiction as a genre in Spain and Latin America through the close reading of representative works.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: [2000-level Spanish course] or written consent of department head.

Attributes: Humanities

SPAN 3790  Latin American Cinema and Society  3 cr  

A survey of contemporary Latin American society through its cinema. The course will be taught in Spanish. All class readings, movies and examinations are in Spanish.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: [2000-level Spanish course] or written consent of department head.

Attributes: Humanities