Academic Calendar

Family Social Sciences (FMLY)

FMLY 1000  Families in Contemporary Canadian Society  3 cr  

(Formerly FMLY 1020) This course provides an introduction to issues in contemporary families from an interdisciplinary perspective. Changing and diverse family forms and experiences are reviewed. An overview of issues pertinent to family well-being, including but not limited to immigration, poverty, homelessness, racism, addiction, disability, divorce, and physical and mental illness is provided. Not to be held with FMLY 1020.

Equiv To: FMLY 1020

Attributes: Recommended Intro Courses

FMLY 1010  Human Development in the Family  3 cr  

Introductory survey of key aspects of human development processes within the family context from a life span perspective. Not to be held with NURS 1260.

Mutually Exclusive: NURS 1260

Attributes: Recommended Intro Courses

FMLY 1012  Introduction to Social Development  3 cr  

This course is an introduction to social development with a particular emphasis on families and communities. Social development is concerned with the advancement of the common good, the effective management of social problems, the meeting of human needs, and the equitable distribution of society's resources. As such, this course explores the social factors and conditions that promote or hinder social development and how this affects the well-being of individual, families, and communities in contemporary societies. Not to be held with FMLY 1900

Equiv To: FMLY 1900

Attributes: Recommended Intro Courses

FMLY 1420  Family Management Principles  3 cr  

An introductory course that uses an ecosystem perspective resources, decision-making, planning, implementing, evaluating, and communication within family contexts. Applications to balancing work and family, individual and family stress, family finance, environmental issues, and the use of time and human resources will be made.

Attributes: Recommended Intro Courses

FMLY 2012  Development, Conflict, and Displacement  3 cr  

The course is an introduction to development, conflict, and displacement as they affect individuals, families and communities. Specifically, this course examines the current phenomenon of induced displacement due to social conflicts, natural disasters, or uneven development in developing countries. Students will examine concepts and issues arising from induced displacement and explore community based responses to this problem. Not be held with FMLY 2900.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: FMLY 1012 or consent of the instructor.

Equiv To: FMLY 2900

FMLY 2400  Family Financial Health  3 cr  

A survey of topics that have an impact on the financial health of Canadian families, including personal money management, mortgage financing, credit and debt, educational and retirement planning, taxation, insurance, savings and investments. The course prepares students to help families maximize resources and increase their financial literacy. May not be held with the former FMLY 2070.

Equiv To: FMLY 2070

FMLY 2500  Diversity and Families  3 cr  

(Formerly FMLY 2350) Using the theoretical frameworks of intersectionality and social ecology, this class addresses how diversity in Canada is influenced by age, gender, ability, ethnicity, race, as well as family relationships, institutions and social policies. A focus on human rights and anti-racism education is emphasized. Not to be held with FMLY 2350.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: FMLY 1000 (FMLY 1020) or FMLY 1010 or equivalent.

Equiv To: FMLY 2350

FMLY 2600  Foundations of Childhood Developmental Health  3 cr  

This course examines the theoretical and empirical foundations of childhood development and their implications for promoting developmental health. Specifically, the course considers the biological and environmental factors that influence developmental health given physical, cognitive, emotional and social development from the prenatal period to middle childhood. May not be held with PSYC 2290 or PSYC 2291.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: FMLY 1010.

Mutually Exclusive: PSYC 2290, PSYC 2291

FMLY 2650  The Social Aspects of Aging  3 cr  

An examination of the social aspects of aging, including cultural norms, socio-economic factors and historical events. Emphasis on understanding the aging process as a life transition involving adaptation through interaction with social, psychological, emotional, spiritual and environmental determinants. May not be held with REC 2650, SWRK 2650, SWRK 2651, or the former HMEC 2650.

Equiv To: HMEC 2650, REC 2650, SWRK 2650

FMLY 2800  Family Violence  3 cr  

A survey of the extent and nature of various forms of family violence across the life course. Topics include physical and sexual child abuse, sibling violence, partner violence, and elder abuse. Emphasis is on prevalence, incidence, causes, consequences and solutions.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: FMLY 1010 or FMLY 1000 (FMLY 1020) or PSYC 1200 or SOC 1200.

FMLY 3012  Theories of Social Development  3 cr  

This course is a survey of social development theories that have influenced the study and practice of development since the 1950s. It addresses the question of why theories of social development are necessary and why different theories emerged at particular times in history. This course examines explanations of development and underdevelopment as they impact on individuals, families and communities. Not be held with FMLY 3900.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: FMLY 1012.

Equiv To: FMLY 3900

FMLY 3220  Death and the Family  3 cr  

An examination of dying and death of family members throughout the family life cycle. Specific topics included are the meaning of death, the process of dying, caring relationships, grief and bereavement.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: FMLY 1000 (FMLY 1020) or PSYC 1200 or SOC 1200.

FMLY 3240  Families in Later Years  3 cr  

An investigation of family issues in the later years of life, such as housing, intergenerational relations, adjustment to retirement, sibling relations, grandparenting, death.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: [FMLY 1010 and FMLY 1000 (FMLY 1020)] or PSYC 1200 or SOC 1200.

FMLY 3330  Parenting and Developmental Health  3 cr  

Examines parenting and its influence on developmental health, with consideration of change across time, the context in which parenting occurs, and the effect of the parent-child relationship on developmental health.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: FMLY 2600 or FMLY 3600.

FMLY 3400  Families as Consumers  3 cr  

An examination of the factors that influence the consumer behaviour of individuals and families across the life course, with particular attention to the situation of vulnerable consumers. Theory, education, policy and practice are related to contemporary consumer issues and the impact of consumption behaviour on the environment. Not to be held with the former FMLY 3450.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: [FMLY 2400 or FMLY 2070] and [ECON 1210 or ECON 1220 or ECON 1010 or ECON 1020].

Equiv To: FMLY 3450

FMLY 3470  Selected Studies in the Family I  3 cr  

The opportunity to carry out an individual study in the area of the family of particular interest to the student. When enrolment warrants, the department may offer selected topics in a regular course format.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

FMLY 3600  Adolescents in Families and Society  3 cr  

This course is designed to help students understand the nature of adolescent relationships with their families in communities. The application of theory and research on adolescent relationships to professional practice with families and communities is emphasized.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: FMLY 2600 and completion of 54 credit hours.

FMLY 3750  Fundamentals of Health Promotion  3 cr  

This course provides an interdisciplinary life course perspective on theories and methods of health promotion. Current research, practices and policies in health promotion targeting individuals, families and communities will be critically reviewed with regard to issues of gender, culture, age, functional ability, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, and other determinants of health.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: HEAL 2600 or KPER 1200 (or the former PERS 1200) or KPER 1400 ( or the former PERS 1400).

FMLY 3780  Introduction to the Development of Programs for Children and Families  3 cr  

An introduction to the theory and practice of program development with special emphasis on programs for children and families. The course will cover techniques for conducting need assessments, as well as the process of planning and implementing programs to address community need.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: HNSC 2000 (or the former HMEC 2000 or the former HMEC 2050).

FMLY 3790  Introduction to the Evaluation of Programs for Children and Families  3 cr  

An introduction to the theory and practice of program evaluation with special emphasis on child and family programs. Considers the purpose of evaluation, types of evaluation, evaluation design and analysis, and the evaluation process.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: HNSC 2000 (or the former HMEC 2000 or the former HMEC 2050).

FMLY 3800  Conflict Resolution in the Family  3 cr  

Students will examine the nature and development of conflict in family relationships throughout the life span. Implications of conflict for the quality of family relationships and individual development will be addressed.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: FMLY 2800 and completion of 54 credit hours.

FMLY 3802  Intimate Partner Violence  3 cr  

A critical examination of theory and research on violence in intimate relationships. Topics will include violence in dating, common-law, marital, ex-partner and same-sex relationships.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: FMLY 2800.

FMLY 3806  Children, Violence and Rights  3 cr  

Violence against children in their families takes many forms, from sexual exploitation to honour killings. We will explore, through a child rights lens, the forces contributing to violence against children, its impact on human lives, and approaches to prevention being implemented around the world. Not to be held with FMLY 3804.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: FMLY 2800.

Equiv To: FMLY 3804

FMLY 4012  Social Development Policies  3 cr  

This course examines the formulation of social development policies and the impact of these policies on the well-being of individuals, families, and communities. The course uses a seminar format to foster students' capacity to understand and examine policy issues. Students will develop skills in understanding, analyzing, and formulation social development policies. Actual social development case studies will be evaluated and alternative family and community oriented policies discussed. Not be held with FMLY 4900.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: FMLY 1012.

Equiv To: FMLY 4900

FMLY 4220  Aging and Risk in a Global Context  3 cr  

This course will take an interdisciplinary perspective on definitions of risk associated with a variety of determinants that shape the daily lived experience of older adults, their families and communities, and the institutions that care for them. Students will evaluate programs, policies and research, and engage in a final project of their choice. Pre- or

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Corequisites: FMLY 2650 (or the former HMEC 2650) or SWRK 2650 or SWRK 2651 or REC 2650 or NURS 2610 or KIN 2610.

FMLY 4300  Field Experience  6 cr  

Provide students with field experience in a supervised setting. The course consists of 120 hours of supervised work in an assigned setting and seminar time with peers and field experience coordinator. Grade is pass/fail.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: 84 credit hours and consent of instructor.

FMLY 4330  Management of Family Stress  3 cr  

Theories which influence family behaviour during stress are discussed, and coping/managerial skills to mitigate the effects of the stressors are examined. Stress management advice from agencies and in educational settings is analyzed.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: FMLY 1000 (FMLY 1020).

FMLY 4400  Family Economics: Poverty and Wealth  3 cr  

Analysis of principles, major problems and trends in the economic welfare of individuals and families in both the Canadian and global economies. Emphasis on families and their relationships to the economy such as income inequality, family economic policy, human capital, poverty and resource distribution within families.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: [FMLY 2400 or FMLY 2070] and [one of ECON 1210 or ECON 1220 or ECON 1010 or ECON 1020]. Not to be held with the former FAMLY 4450.

Equiv To: FMLY 4450

FMLY 4470  Selected Studies in the Family II  3 cr  

The opportunity to carry out advanced study in the area of the family of particular interest to the student. When enrolment warrants, the department may offer selected topics in a regular course format.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

FMLY 4480  Work and Family Issues  3 cr  

An exploration of the interface between paid work and unpaid work and families in the Canadian and international contexts. Topics include demographic trends; parenting, child and elder care; management of work-family conflict; development of workplace solutions; and social policy implications.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: FMLY 2400 (or FMLY 2070) and 84 credit hours.

FMLY 4500  Senior Thesis  6 cr  

The preparation and presentation of a comprehensive review of the literature and an empirical investigation of an approved topic. Application required. Enrolment limited.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: Registered in the final year of the Family Social Sciences program and consent of Department Head.

FMLY 4600  Risk and Resilience in Behavioural and Social Development  3 cr  

The development of behavioural and social difficulties are examined from a risk and resilience perspective. The interaction of factors at all levels of the human ecological system are considered in terms of their impact on increasing risk and/or building resilience in children and youth.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: FMLY 2600

FMLY 4602  Family Relationships, Health and Well-being  3 cr  

This course provides an in-depth survey of the interaction between family relationship dynamics, and health and well-being across the life course period. The influence of family members on health-related behaviours is reviewed and preventive family-based interventions are evaluated.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: FMLY 3600.

FMLY 4604  Children in Adversity  3 cr  

Millions of children live with violence, trauma and other adverse circumstances. We will explore the interactions among individual, family, cultural, legal and policy factors as they affect children's developmental pathways in the face of adversity. May not be held with FMLY 4600.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: FMLY 2600 or FMLY 3600.

Equiv To: FMLY 4600

FMLY 4606  A Social Justice Perspective on Indigenous Maternal and Child Health  3 cr  

This course examines the local and global challenges regarding the health care and health care needs of Indigenous peoples, with particular attention to childbearing women, new mothers, and young children. Interdisciplinary theories and methods applied to the study of Indigenous peoples are critically evaluated from Indigenous and social justice perspectives.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: FMLY 2500( FMLY 2350) or NURS 3330 or NATV 1220 or NATV 1240.

FMLY 4800  Senior Seminar in Family Violence and Conflict Resolution  3 cr  

Advanced study in the areas of family violence and/or conflict resolution. Special emphasis is placed upon current research and/or practice.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: FMLY 3800 and completion of 72 credit hours.

FMLY 4802  Family Violence Prevention  3 cr  

Family violence prevention theories, research, practices and policies will be critically reviewed with regard to issues such as gender, culture, sexual orientation and others. Not to be held with the former FMLY 4800.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: FMLY 2800.

Equiv To: FMLY 4800