Academic Calendar

Education Curric, Tchg, & Lrng (EDUB)

EDUB 1600  Teaching General Music  3 cr  

A study of teaching music in Early and Middle Years schools. For both classroom teachers and Music specialists, the course covers all traditional areas of music instruction as well as music's role across the curriculum.

EDUB 1790  Introduction to Education: What does it mean to Teach?  3 cr  

This course is an introduction to primary and secondary education, the role of the classroom teacher, and the principal tenets of developing relationships and a sense of belonging with children, youth, families, and communities. Students will learn about education as a career; including developing an understanding of what a teacher does, and why they would choose to become teachers. Students will learn about how teachers support student achievement, value student diversity, appreciate the importance of student engagement in learning and teaching, and recognize how administrative and union responsibilities function in education. Students will learn about numerous disciplinary topics as well as important issues such as Indigenous knowledge and education, and anti-oppressive education. This course will utilize a reconciliatory perspective and foreground social justice, human and more-than human rights, global citizenship, democracy, and the impacts of new technologies/media in education. May not be used for credit in the Bachelor of Education or the PBDE programs. May not be held with EDUA 1790.

Equiv To: EDUA 1790

EDUB 3010  Classroom Community and Early Years Literacy  3 cr  

This course is designed to provide an introductory study of English language and literacy in Early Years education and how it relates to development of classroom communities.

Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 1010

EDUB 3012  Early Years Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning for All Learners  3 cr  

This course addresses mathematical sense making, quantitative reasoning, and practical instructional approaches in the context of the Manitoba Early Years mathematics curriculum towards a developing mathematics teacher identity.

Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 1000, EDUB 1050

EDUB 3014  Early Years Science and Social Studies: Pedagogy and Curriculum  3 cr  

Instructional approaches to helping young children construct knowledge about the natural world and the human society they inhabit. Attention is given to planning for learning in science and in social studies represented by current research, and provincial outcomes documents.

Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 1040, EDUB 1060

EDUB 3016  Creative Collaboration in the Arts  3 cr  

An exploration of art, drama, and music. An emphasis will be placed on the value of play in early childhood development, the creative process, aesthetics, constructivism and the emergent curriculum.

Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 1030, EDUB 2030

EDUB 3018  Multi-Language Development in Early Years  3 cr  

This course examines English as an Additional Language (EAL) development related to early years education. Issues to be addressed include: trends in EAL education, orienting newcomer students and parents to the school context, EAL-inclusive lesson/ unit planning, the new EAL curriculum, cooperative learning, and other related issues.

EDUB 3050  Middle Years Learners & Learning  3 cr  

This course will explore the theoretical concepts of learning and development, both for Middle Years students and teachers as adult professional learners. This is a professional inquiry into practice and learning to observe students to assess their social and emotional, cognitive, and physical development, and how this information impacts learning and classroom dynamics.

Equiv To: EDUA 1800

EDUB 3052  Middle Years: Teaching for Learning - Developing a Responsive Pedagogy  3 cr  

This course focuses on effective teaching across curriculum areas with emphasis on classroom-based assessment to develop a learner-responsive pedagogy. Strategies for integrating educational technologies into teaching and assessing for learning will be addressed.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 3050.

Equiv To: EDUB 2100

EDUB 3054  Introduction to Teaching Mathematics in Middle Years 1  3 cr  

This course introduces Middle Years teacher candidates to pedagogically appropriate teaching in Mathematics.

Equiv To: EDUB 1140

EDUB 3056  Teaching English Language Arts in Middle Years  3 cr  

A study of curriculum, theories, and instructional approaches and techniques relevant to teaching English Language Arts in the Middle Years. This course will include a focus on teacher candidates' literacy practices and the processes of Middle Year students' literacy learning.

EDUB 3058  Teaching Science in Middle Years  3 cr  

This course facilitates the development of teacher candidates' view of (1) themselves as educators of science and (2) science as a learning area. The course focus is on the learning and teaching practices that contribute to engagement and learning for diverse student populations in Middle Years science.

EDUB 3060  Teaching Social Studies in Middle Years  3 cr  

The course focus is on the learning and teaching practices that contribute to engagement and learning for diverse student populations in Middle Years social studies. Contemporary learning, teaching and assessment models and practices are investigated with integrated inquiry unit planning as the central activity.

EDUB 3062  Teaching the Arts in Middle Years  3 cr  

A study of current arts curricula (dance, drama, music, visual arts) and pedagogical practices. Emphasis will be placed on the critical role that the arts play in creating rich classroom learning communities, as well as the role of technology in arts teaching and learning.

Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 1120, EDUB 2120

EDUB 3064  Teaching Physical Education/Health Education in Middle Years  3 cr  

Engagement in physical activities in the gymnasium/ classroom that highlight teaching learning strategies in PE/HE pedagogy. A central theme in this course is the promotion and understanding of physical and health literacies in our classes.

Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 1130, EDUB 2150

EDUB 3100  Senior Years: Principles and Processes for Teaching  3 cr  

A general curriculum and instruction course designed to illuminate the connections between theory and practice and offers a practical approach to planning, teaching, and learning regardless of subject area specialty. Teacher candidates will critically consider the qualities of an effective Senior Years learning environment and recognize the elements at work.

EDUB 3102  Senior Years: Language and Literacy Across the Curriculum  3 cr  

A deeper examination of the relationship between language, literacy and learning through an interdisciplinary approach, including how to understand language and literacy as a part of multiple sociocultural practices that are interconnected within various identities and contexts.

EDUB 3110  Senior Years Curriculum & Instruction: The Arts  3 cr  

A curriculum and instruction course for the clustered subject areas of Arts: Visual Arts, Dance, Drama and Music with opportunities to examine the pedagogical possibilities of their particular art form. The course will explore foundational principles for the study of curriculum, instructional strategies, and assessment in the Arts.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.

EDUB 3120  Senior Years Curriculum & Instruction: Languages  3 cr  

A curriculum and instruction course for the cluster subject areas for languages. This course provides an introduction to the study of curriculum, instructional strategies and assessment in teaching languages and how to make connections between research, theory, and practice in the teaching/learning of languages in the Manitoba context.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.

EDUB 3130  Senior Years Curriculum & Instruction: Social Sciences  3 cr  

A curriculum and instruction course for the cluster of subject areas for the Social Sciences: History, Geography, Indigenous Studies. This course provides the foundational principles for the study of curriculum, instructional strategies and assessment in the social sciences.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.

Equiv To: EDUB 1230

EDUB 3140  Senior Years Curriculum & Instruction: Sciences  3 cr  

A curriculum and instruction course for the cluster of subject areas for the Natural Sciences includes: General Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Human Ecology, Physical Education/Health Education, and Computer Science. This course provides teacher candidates with the foundational principles for the study of curriculum, instructional strategies and assessment in the Natural Sciences.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.

EDUB 3310  Early Years: Practicum 1  3 cr  

Practical teaching experience for Early Years in a Manitoba school with the guidance and under the supervision of a faculty advisor and cooperating teacher(s). This is a pass/fail course.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: 3 credit hours from EDUB 3010, EDUB 3012.

Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 1960

EDUB 3312  Early Years: Practicum 2  3 cr  

Practical teaching experience for Early Years in a Manitoba school with the guidance and under the supervision of a faculty advisor and cooperating teacher(s). This is a pass/fail course.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 3310. Pre- or corequisites: EDUB 3010 and EDUB 3012.

Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 1960

EDUB 3313  Perspectives Autochtones en Contexte Scolaire  3 cr  

Introduction aux perspectives culturelles autochtones et metisses en contexte scolaire dimensions historique, anthropologique, ethique et pedagogique. Developpement de competences professionnelles relatives a l'enseignement dans un environnement autochtone et metis.

Attributes: Université de Saint-Boniface

EDUB 3320  Middle Years: Practicum 1  3 cr  

Practical teaching experience for Middle Years in a Manitoba school with the guidance and under the supervision of a faculty advisor and cooperating teacher(s). This is a pass/fail course.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3050.

EDUB 3322  Middle Years: Practicum 2  3 cr  

Practical teaching experience for Middle Years in a Manitoba school with the guidance and under the supervision of a faculty advisor and cooperating teacher(s). This is a pass/fail course.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 3320. Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3052.

EDUB 3330  Senior Years: Practicum 1  3 cr  

Practical teaching experience for Senior Years in a Manitoba school with the guidance and under supervision of a faculty advisor and cooperating teacher(s). This is a pass/fail course.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisites: EDUB 3100.

Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 1980

EDUB 3332  Senior Years: Practicum 2  3 cr  

Practical teaching experience for Senior Years in a Manitoba school with the guidance and under the supervision of a faculty advisor and cooperating teacher(s). This is a pass/fail course.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 3330.

Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 1980

EDUB 3406  Indigenous Perspectives and the Curriculum  3 cr  

The course will focus on fostering teacher candidate pedagogical knowledge, orientations and capabilities for developing and implementing curricula for kindergarten through to Grade 12 that reflect Indigenous perspectives. May not be held with the former EDUB 3402.

Equiv To: EDUB 3402

Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 1840

EDUB 3408  Reconciliation in K - 12 Education  3 cr  

This course will introduce students to the topic of reconciliation in kindergarten to grade 12 educational settings. Students will be introduced to the historical, social, cultural, political, and ethical contexts for reconciliation in Canada and the role that schools and school divisions can and should serve.

EDUB 3426  La pédagogie du français de base aux niveaux intermédiare et de la jeune enfance  3 cr  

Ce cours ser d'introduction aux principes et aux pratiques de base dans le domaine de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage du Français comme langue seconde (FL2) ou additionnelle. Les participants au cours examineront les principes fondamentaux et la mise en pratique de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage du français en tant que langue seconde ou additionnelle. L'accent est mis sur les pratiques pédagogiques de l'approche communicative expérientielle, telle qu'approuvée par le Ministre d'éducation du Manitoba. Puisque ce cours forme partie de la liste de cours répondant au 'Diversity Requirement' de Ministère de l'éducation, une philosophie d'ouverture et d'inclusion de la diversité sous-tendent l'essentiel de ce cours. May not be held with EDUB 1830.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: 18 credit hours of French or permission of instructor.

Equiv To: EDUB 1830

Attributes: Université de Saint-Boniface

EDUB 3502  Recent Developments in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning 1  3 cr  

The study of emerging topics in curriculum, teaching, and learning not studied in regular program courses.

Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 3510, EDUB 3536, EDUB 3538

EDUB 3504  Academic and Professional English for Multilingual Teachers  3 cr  

This course provides English language development for multilingual teachers of English as a second/additional language and other subject areas. The focus is on teacher, classroom, and professional English that can be applied in various contexts.

EDUB 3506  Principles and Procedures of Second Language Education  3 cr  

Examination of principles and demonstration of procedures for developing basic second language knowledge and skills in various contexts, e.g., ESL, EFL, AL, HL, IL. May not be held with the former EDUB 1620.

Equiv To: EDUB 1620

EDUB 3508  Language and Content Instruction of EAL Students  3 cr  

Principles and procedures of teaching ESL/Bilingual students in subject-area classrooms, using content-based language instruction and language sensitive content instruction. May not be held with the former EDUB 1820.

Equiv To: EDUB 1820

EDUB 3510  Language Awareness for Teachers  3 cr  

This course will focus on responding to students from immigrant, refugee and Indigenous backgrounds in the classroom, understanding how to teach pronunciation, grammar, word choice and subject area content. Through structural linguistics, this course aims to enhance teacher candidates' confidence in, and knowledge of, language structures necessary for teaching EAL learners. May not be held with EDUB 3502 when titled, "Language Awareness for Teachers".

Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 3502

EDUB 3512  Literature for Adolescents  3 cr  

A survey of the literature available for adolescents. The course includes reading and discussion of the literature, and consideration of techniques for encouraging extensive reading.

EDUB 3514  Literature for Children  3 cr  

A survey of the literature available for children. The course includes reading and a discussion of the literature, and consideration of techniques for encouraging extensive reading.

EDUB 3516  Art Across the Curriculum  3 cr  

This course will emphasize the importance of visual learning and its potential for teaching in the various curriculum areas at all levels. Opportunities for studio work, discussion and planning will be provided.

EDUB 3518  Drama Across the Curriculum  3 cr  

For all students, specialist and non-specialist, who wish to develop a greater understanding and practice of drama in the classroom across the curriculum.

EDUB 3520  Historical Development of Physical Science up to the 20th Century  3 cr  

The major ideas and discoveries in science of the lonians and the Greeks, the scientific revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries, and the 'modern' period of science, up to the 20th century will be explored with an emphasis on science education and scientific literacy. May not be held with PHYS 2700.

Equiv To: PHYS 2700

EDUB 3522  Recent Developments in Learning and Teaching Senior Years Mathematics  3 cr  

The study of selected topics in mathematics in Senior Years.

EDUB 3524  Practical Work in School Science  3 cr  

This course, which is appropriate for early, middle and senior teacher candidates, will critically examine the role of practical work in the teaching and learning of school science. Topics will include: demonstrations, experiments, investigations, field experiences, simulations, data collection and interpretation, new educational technologies, assessment and laboratory safety.

EDUB 3526  Integration of Technological Literacy Across the K-12 Curriculum  3 cr  

Training teachers to analyze and teach about technological principles within the content area, and to develop specific teaching and learning interventions to infuse technological literacy across content areas.

EDUB 3528  Media Literacy  3 cr  

The role of media in society, designed to assist educators in all disciplines and levels to develop an informed and critical understanding of the mass media and its impact on teaching and learning.

EDUB 3530  Beyond Schools: Experiencing Teaching and Learning in Community Settings  3 cr  

This course provides a community-based field experience. Students will attend a weekly seminar and spend 20 hours a week for six weeks at a host site. The focus of the course is to consider, challenge, and broaden understandings of education, curriculum, and pedagogy within the context of social justice. Site examples: arts programs, nature reserves, youth programs. This is a pass/fail course.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: 3 credit hours from: EDUB 3312, EDUB 3322, EDUB 3332.

EDUB 3532  Basic Experiences in Movement and Dance Education  3 cr  

A study of teaching movements/ dance education in Early (K-4) and Middle Years (5-8) schools. For both classroom teachers and physical education specialists, the course covers all traditional areas of movement instruction as well as movements' role across the curriculum.

Equiv To: EDUB 1750

EDUB 3534  Teaching Writing: Creating Communities of Writers in Diverse Classrooms  3 cr  

This course is designed to support teacher candidates in developing their confidence as writers and in expanding their pedagogical knowledge and approaches as teachers of writing. Open to teacher candidates in all streams and teachable areas.

EDUB 3536  Education for Sustainability  3 cr  

This course examines current approaches to education for sustainability within the K-12 classroom. Students will be introduced to the historical, social, cultural, political, and ethical contexts for sustainability in Canada, and the role that school education can play in developing sustainable living. May not be held with EDUB 3502 when titled "Education for Sustainability".

Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 3502

EDUB 3538  Assessment Practices and Policies for Grades K-12 Classrooms  3 cr  

Students will critically examine assessment practices and policies for Grades K-12 learning contexts including practices associated with 'assessment of, as and for learning' in various school subjects. Students will consider the role of assessment in self-regulated learning and deepen their understanding of ways to provide feedback to K-12 students to support their learning. Assessment practices that can enhance equity including culturally responsive/sustaining assessment will be explored as well as ways to gather assessment information to guide teaching. Ways to communicate assessment information to parents will be considered and assessment policies and guidelines will be examined. May not be held with EDUB 3502 when titled "Understanding Assessment Policy and Practice for Grades K-12 Settings."

Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 3502

EDUB 4010  Pedagogy for Sustainable Well-being: Science, Mathematics and Social Studies  6 cr  

An exploration and critical reflection on theory, research, and practice in education for sustainability in science, mathematics, and social studies and the ways in which multiple literacies can assist children in consolidating their knowledge and understanding of sustainable well-being. Course offered off-campus.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisites: EDUB 3012, EDUB 3014, EDUB 3312. Corequisite: EDUB 4012.

Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 2040, EDUB 2050, EDUB 2060

EDUB 4012  Pedagogy in Multiple Literacies: Children as Meaning Makers  6 cr  

A school-based course, taught in collaboration with EDUB 4010 Pedagogy for Sustainable Well-being: Science, Mathematics, and Social Studies, providing opportunities for teacher candidates to be immersed with children and teachers in curriculum inquiry related to learning languages/literacies, learning about languages/literacies, and learning through languages. Course offered off-campus.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 3010, EDUB 3312. Corequisite: EDUB 4010.

Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 2000, EDUB 2010, EDUB 2070, EDUB 2080

EDUB 4014  Early Years: Physical Education/ Health Education  3 cr  

The focus of this course is to promote the development of movement and personal management skills for lifelong activity and fitness. Teacher candidates will learn to create activities and strategies within the gymnasium/classroom that incorporate physical activity into daily routines.

Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 1020, EDUB 2020

EDUB 4050  Middle Years: Creating Classroom Learning Environments  3 cr  

A study of the effective teaching practices which are essential for creating positive learning environments in middle-years classroom communities. Emphasis is placed on the social processes and pedagogy, especially the use of formative assessment and integrated curriculum approaches.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 3052.

Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 2400

EDUB 4052  Teaching Mathematics in Middle Years 2  3 cr  

This course focuses on advanced instructional strategies in the teaching of mathematics in the middle years.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 3054.

EDUB 4100  Teacher and Technology  3 cr  

An introduction to educational and information technology in the classroom. Focus will be on the utilization of technology, the development of information skills for teachers and critical analyses of the potential of educational technology.

EDUB 4102  Themes in Senior Years  3 cr  

Themes in Senior Years is a topics course designed to expose students to current issues and topics relevant to professional thinking and practice. Topics are offered and represent those pedagogical practices that enhance and expand upon broad forms of teaching practice. Students will focus on an area of interest to experience pedagogies that promote choice and multiple modes of expression. May not hold credit for more than one topic under this course number.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 3332.

EDUB 4110  Senior Years: Teaching Art  3 cr  

The development of skills for planning, teaching, and assessing visual art in a Senior Years setting.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.

EDUB 4112  Senior Years: Teaching Music  3 cr  

An advanced study of curriculum, and instructional approaches and techniques relevant to the teaching of music in Senior Years.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.

EDUB 4114  Senior Years: Teaching Drama & Theatre  3 cr  

An examination of the issues of arts, pedagogy, creative process and program development.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.

EDUB 4120  Senior Years: Teaching English Language Arts  3 cr  

An in-depth study of the curriculum and pedagogy relevant to inquiries into curriculum and pedagogy relevant to teaching English Language Arts in diverse, 21st century classrooms.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.

EDUB 4122  Senior Years: Teaching French  3 cr  

A course that will focus on theory and practices as well as strategies in teaching French as a Secondary Language. Students will address issues and challenges faced in FSL literacy and spend time focusing on inclusion in the FSL classroom and benefits of allophone students in the FSL classroom.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.

EDUB 4124  Senior Years: Teaching Languages  3 cr  

A course that will focus on theory and practices as well as strategies in teaching Heritage, Aboriginal, or International Languages. Students will address issues and challenges faced in literacy and spend time focusing on inclusion in the classroom.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.

EDUB 4130  Senior Years: Teaching Geography  3 cr  

Designed to prepare students to become teachers of Geography using the Manitoba Senior Years Social Sciences curriculum.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.

EDUB 4132  Senior Years: Teaching History  3 cr  

Designed to prepare students to become teachers of History with expertise to help students acquire historical knowledge, historical thinking, and attain the enduring understanding (topics) listed in the Manitoba Curriculum documents for History/ Social Studies.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.

EDUB 4138  Senior Years: Teaching Indigenous Studies  3 cr  

An examination of the curricular and pedagogical issues relating to the teaching of Indigenous Studies in Senior Years. Includes the study of trends and current issues relevant to Canadian Indigenous experience. May not be held with the former EDUB 4134.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.

Equiv To: EDUB 4134

EDUB 4140  Senior Years: Teaching Biology  3 cr  

An exploration of the Manitoba Science Curriculum Framework for Biology in grades 11 and 12, focusing particularly on the foundational principles underlying the learning and teaching of science in these documents, as well as the key scientific concepts in each unit of the curriculum. Following contemporary approaches to teaching and learning, particularly conceptual change and socio-scientific issues (SSI), readings and discussions will focus on content-specific issues related to teaching and learning biology at the senior level.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.

EDUB 4142  Senior Years: Teaching Chemistry  3 cr  

An exploration of the Manitoba Science Curriculum Framework for Chemistry in grades 11 and 12, focusing particularly on the foundational principles underlying the learning and teaching chemistry.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.

EDUB 4144  Senior Years: Teaching Computer Science  3 cr  

A study of the curriculum, instructional approaches, and assessment as they pertain to teaching computer science at the secondary level. Teacher candidates will compare and contrast technical, educational, assessment and professional development aspects of computer-related secondary school courses. This involves knowing and understanding the strengths and limitations of current curriculum documents.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.

EDUB 4146  Senior Years: Teaching General Science  3 cr  

An overview of the theory and practice of teaching General Science in the context of the Manitoba Curriculum Framework at the Grade 9 - 10 level. General principles of science and education, conceptual development, cognitive and learning theories, and scientific literacy, are presented and discussed. Emphasis is placed on using conceptual development models to help science teachers present concepts and topics.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.

EDUB 4148  Senior Years: Teaching Human Ecology  3 cr  

A study of the planning and teaching of home economics. Emphasis will be placed on the new research on teaching, learning, assessment, principles of educational change, information and communications technology (ICT), inclusivity, current brain research and how it affects learning, differentiated instruction, and multiple intelligences.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.

EDUB 4150  Senior Years: Teaching Mathematics  3 cr  

A study of the curriculum and instructional approaches to teaching mathematics, including how mathematics is learned, how to structure learning opportunities for students, and developing and expressing, pedagogically sound approaches to teaching mathematics courses in secondary schools.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.

EDUB 4152  Senior Years: Teaching Physical Education/Health Education  3 cr  

A course designed to prepare teacher candidates to work with students in ways that enable and encourage them to develop the commitment and capacity to lead an active healthy lifestyle. The course will also develop and enhance students' life skills to promote physical and health literacy, and health related behaviours.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.

EDUB 4154  Senior Years: Teaching Physics  3 cr  

An exploration of the Manitoba Science Curriculum Framework for Physics in grades 11 and 12, focusing particularly on the foundational principles underlying the learning and teaching of physics.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 3100.

EDUB 4310  Early Years Practicum 3  3 cr  

Practical teaching experience for Early Years in a Manitoba school with the guidance and under the supervision of a faculty advisor and cooperating teacher(s). This is a pass/fail course.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 3312.

Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 2960

EDUB 4312  Early Years Practicum 4  3 cr  

Practical teaching experience for Early Years in a Manitoba school with the guidance and under the supervision of a faculty advisor and cooperating teacher (s). This is a pass/fail course.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 4310. Pre- or corequisite: EDUA 4000.

Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 2960

EDUB 4320  Middle Years: Practicum 3  3 cr  

Practical teaching experience for Middle Years in a Manitoba school with the guidance and under the supervision of a faculty advisor and cooperating teacher (s). This is a pass/fail course.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 3322. Pre- or corequisite: EDUB 4050.

Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 2970

EDUB 4322  Middle Years: Practicum 4  3 cr  

Practical teaching experience for Middle Years in a Manitoba school with the guidance and under the supervision of a faculty advisor and cooperating teacher(s). This is a pass/fail course.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 4320. Pre- or corequisite: EDUA 4000.

Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 2970

EDUB 4330  Senior Years: Practicum 3  3 cr  

Practical teaching experience for Senior Years in a Manitoba school with the guidance and under the supervision of a faculty advisor and cooperating teacher(s). This is a pass/fail course.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 3332. Pre- or corequisites: 6 credit hours from: EDUB 4110, EDUB 4112, EDUB 4114, EDUB 4120, EDUB 4122, EDUB 4124, EDUB 4130, EDUB 4132, EDUB 4138 (or the former EDUB 4134), EDUB 4140, EDUB 4142, EDUB 4144, EDUB 4146, EDUB 4148, EDUB 4150, EDUB 4152, EDUB 4154.

Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 2980

EDUB 4332  Senior Years: Practicum 4  3 cr  

Practical teaching experience for Senior Years in a Manitoba school with the guidance and under the supervision of a faculty advisor and cooperating teacher(s). This is a pass/fail course.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: EDUB 4330. Pre- or corequisite: EDUA 4000.

Mutually Exclusive: EDUB 2980

EDUB 4502  Recent Developments in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning 2  3 cr  

The study of emerging topics in curriculum, teaching and learning not studied in regular program courses.