Academic Calendar

Nursing (NURS)

NURS 7110  Readings in Selected Topics  3 cr  

An intensive readings course for graduate students. Topics may be selected within the general field of nursing and health research to suit the special needs and research interests of students, for example, transcultural nursing, women's health, or palliative care. Students must have a faculty member agree to advise them before registering with approval from the Associate Dean, Graduate Programs in the College of Nursing, at least one month prior to the course start date.

NURS 7120  Capstone Project  0 cr  

The course - based option in the Master of Nursing Program culminates in the Capstone Project. The Capstone Project provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate the ability to analyze, interpret, apply, and communicate knowledge acquired throughout their MN Program. Course graded pass/fail.

NURS 7210  Qualitative Research Methods in Nursing  3 cr  

Students will develop knowledge in qualitative research in nursing and health care, including the philosophical assumptions, theories, ethical issues, designs, methodologies, and knowledge translation strategies that are integral elements of qualitative research.

NURS 7220  Quantitative Research Methods in Nursing  3 cr  

Students will apply the steps of the quantitative research process to address problems identified in nursing practice, education, and/or administration. Students will also analyze the contributions that quantitative research has made to knowledge development in nursing.

NURS 7320  Philosophy of Nursing Science  3 cr  

Students will analyze nursing's theoretical and scientific evolution, and assess issues related to the role that theory and research play in a practice discipline. Emphasis will be placed upon the evaluation of conceptual and theoretical perspectives applicable to the student's chosen area of focus. May not be held with NURS 7090.

Equiv To: NURS 7090

NURS 7330  Clinical Consolidation  0 cr  

This course provides the student with the opportunity to demonstrate the acquisition and integration of the knowledge, skills and attitudes commensurate with the Nurse Practitioner scope of practice in the clinical setting at the entry-level competency level. This course is evaluated on a pass/fail basis.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: NURS 7502 (C+).

NURS 7340  Evidence Informed Practice  3 cr  

Students will evaluate evidence-informed practice and its relationship to health care delivery and policy. Basic epidemiological statistics, literature searching, systematic reviews, critical appraisal, implementation science, and health intervention evaluation are integral elements of the course.

Equiv To: NURS 7080

NURS 7352  Leadership in Advanced Practice Nursing  3 cr  

Students will develop their knowledge of leadership in advanced nursing practice. Leadership theory, change management, policy development, ethical leadership, models of practice, and professional development are key elements of the course. These will be evaluated within the context of contemporary health care systems, and the legislative and fiscal environments within leadership in advanced nursing practice takes place. May not be held with NURS 7350.

Equiv To: NURS 7350

NURS 7360  Integrative Focus  6 cr  

Students will integrate previous coursework within their substantive area: clinical practice, education or administration. Students develop self-directed learning goals and the faculty advisor facilitates goal development and provides guidance. Practice in their substantive area is required.

NURS 7400  Introduction to Advanced Nursing Practice  3 cr  

This course will provide an overview of the Nurse Practitioner curriculum with a focus on core content, concepts, and design of learning activities. This course is graded pass/fail.

Mutually Exclusive: NURS 7462

NURS 7402  Advanced Pathophysiology and Therapeutics in Nurse Practitioner Practice  2 cr  

The student will apply advanced knowledge in the pathophysiology and therapeutics underlying nursing concepts common to primary care conditions, and will integrate this knowledge to provide safe and effective clinical reasoning and prescribing practices within the scope of NP practice.

NURS 7410  Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning  2 cr  

This course develops advanced health assessment and critical thinking skills required of advanced practice as a nurse practitioner.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: NURS 7400 (C+) Introduction to Advanced Nursing Practice.

Mutually Exclusive: NURS 7412

NURS 7412  Advanced Health Assessment  3 cr  

The student will perform advanced health assessments to create differential diagnoses for well clients of all ages in the context of primary care. Emphasis is on diagnostic reasoning and clinical judgment within the Nurse Practitioner scope of practice. Not to be held with NURS 7410 and NURS 7420.

Mutually Exclusive: NURS 7410, NURS 7420

NURS 7420  Clinical Practice 1  1 cr  

Within the Nurse Practitioner scope of practice, this clinical course focuses on advanced nursing practice assessment of clients of all ages in a primary care setting. This course is graded pass/fail.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre-requisite: NURS 7400 Introduction to Advanced Nursing Practice. Pre-or co-requisite: NURS 7410 (C+) Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning.

Mutually Exclusive: NURS 7412

NURS 7430  Nurse Practitioner 1  6 cr  

Within the Nurse Practitioner scope of practice, the student will develop advanced knowledge and skills as a primary care provider to address health issues affecting clients of all ages related to the HEENT (head, ears, eyes, nose, & throat), respiratory, and cardiovascular systems.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre-requisite: NURS 7412 (C+).

NURS 7440  Clinical Practice 2  3 cr  

Within the Nurse Practitioner scope of practice, this clinical course focuses on advanced nursing practice with clients who are experiencing health problems related to the HEENT, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Course is graded pass/fail.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: NURS 7440 (C+) Introduction to Advanced Nursing Practice and NURS 7420 (C+) Clinical Practice 1.

Mutually Exclusive: NURS 7442

NURS 7442  Clinical Practice 1  3 cr  

This course provides the student with the opportunity to demonstrate the acquisition and integration of the knowledge, skills and attitudes commensurate with the Nurse Practitioner scope of practice in the clinical setting at the beginner level. This course is evaluated on a pass/fail basis. Not to be held with NURS 7440.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre or Co-requisite: NURS 7430 (C+).

Mutually Exclusive: NURS 7440

NURS 7450  Nurse Practitioner 2  5 cr  

Within the Nurse Practitioner scope of practice, the student will develop advanced knowledge and skills as a primary care provider to address health issues affecting clients of all ages related to the reproductive, hematological, and genitourinary/renal system systems. Pre- requisite: NURS 7430.

NURS 7460  Community Health: Key Components for Nurse Practitioners  1 cr  

This course furthers theoretical and practical knowledge of key components of community health within primary care. The emphasis of this course is on the community as client.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre-requisite: NURS 7400 (C+) Introduction to Advanced Nursing Practice.

Mutually Exclusive: NURS 7462

NURS 7462  Advanced Practice Nursing in Primary Care Settings  2 cr  

The student will examine advanced nursing care in primary care settings, including population health needs, the determinants of health, ethical practice, cultural safety and social justice. Emphasis will be on the development and evaluation of evidence-informed interventions to meet the health needs of Manitobans. Not to be held with NURS 7400 and NURS 7460.

Mutually Exclusive: NURS 7400, NURS 7460

NURS 7470  Nurse Practitioner 3  5 cr  

Within the Nurse Practitioner scope of practice, the student will develop advanced knowledge and skills as a primary care provider to address health issues affecting clients of all ages related to the neurological, metabolic and gastro-intestinal systems.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: NURS 7450 (C+).

NURS 7480  Clinical Practice 3  4 cr  

Within the Nurse Practitioner scope of practice, this clinical course focuses on advanced nursing practice with clients who are experiencing health problems related to the gastrointestinal, hematology, genitourinary/renal, neurology, metabolic, and reproductive systems. Course is graded pass/fail.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: NURS 7400 (C+) Introduction to Advanced Nursing Practice and NURS 7440 (C+) Clinical Practice 2.

Mutually Exclusive: NURS 7482

NURS 7482  Clinical Practice 2  4 cr  

This course provides the student with the opportunity to demonstrate (the acquisition and integration of the knowledge, skills and attitudes commensurate with the Nurse Practitioner scope of practice in the clinical setting at the intermediate level. This course is evaluated on a pass/fail basis. Not to be held with NURS 7480.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: NURS 7442 (C+), pre or co-requisite: NURS 7470 (C+).

Mutually Exclusive: NURS 7480

NURS 7490  Nurse Practitioner 4  5 cr  

Within the Nurse Practitioner scope of practice, the student will develop advanced knowledge and skills as a primary care provider to address health issues affecting clients of all ages related to mental health, and the musculoskeletal and dermatological systems.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre-requisite: NURS 7470 (C+).

NURS 7500  Clinical Practice 4  4 cr  

Within the Nurse Practitioner scope of practice, this clinical course focuses on advanced nursing practice with clients who are experiencing health problems related to musculoskeletal, dermatological and mental health issues. Course is graded pass/fail.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Pre-requisite: NURS 7400 Introduction to Advanced Nursing Practice and NURS 7480 (C+) Clinical Practice 3.

Mutually Exclusive: NURS 7502

NURS 7502  Clinical Practice 3  4 cr  

This course provides the student with the opportunity to demonstrate the acquisition and integration of the knowledge, skills and attitudes commensurate with the Nurse Practitioner scope of practice in the clinical setting at the proficient level. This course is evaluated on a pass/fail basis. Not to be held with NURS 7500.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: NURS 7482 (C+). Pre or co-requisite: NURS 7490 (C+).

Mutually Exclusive: NURS 7500

NURS 8002  Advanced Philosophy of Nursing Science  3 cr  

Through a critical evaluation of relevant concepts, paradigms, theories, and conceptual frameworks in science and nursing, students will advance their thesis endeavors.

NURS 8010  Advanced Qualitative Research for Nursing  3 cr  

This course will advance the studnet's critical understanding of the philosophical foundations and application of qualitative research methods in nursing and health care. Students will engage in a critical examination of the epistemological, ethical and methodological underpinnings of qualitative research. The implications of qualitative research, and its advancement and impact on policy development in nursing and health care are integral elements of the course.

NURS 8020  Advanced Knowledge Translation & Health Care Policy  3 cr  

Through critical analysis of knowledge translation and health policy frameworks, students will advance their knowledge of evidence-to-practice strategies that maximize research uptake in interprofessional, clinical, and political contexts. Students will draw on the course concepts to inform their area of research.

NURS 8030  Doctoral Student Seminars I  0 cr  

A dynamic seminar series for first year doctoral students to stimulate and facilitate academic discourse,professional socialization, proposal/thesis/development, funding opportunities and integration into the professional, university and national/international community of nursing scientists and their collaborative partners. This course is evaluated on a pass/fail basis.

NURS 8040  Doctoral Student Seminars II  0 cr  

A dynamic seminar series for second year doctoral students to stimulate and facilitate academic discourse, professional socialization, proposal/thesis/development, funding opportunities and integration into the professional, university and national/international community of nursing scientists and their collaborative partners. This course is evaluated on a pass/fail basis.

NURS 8220  Advanced Quantitative Research Design & Methods in Nursing and Health Care  3 cr  

This course prepares doctoral students in nursing and other health related programs to expand their knowledge and skills in advanced level quantitative design and methods. Emphasis in the course is on critically appraising issues specific to the design, measurement, and analysis of data for advanced level quantitative studies in nursing and healthcare. Students will also analyze ethical and policy issues related to quantitative research designs.

PR/CR: A minimum grade of C is required unless otherwise indicated.
Prerequisite: NURS 7220 (C+) or equivalent; pre- or co-requisite: CHSC 7810 (C+) statistics course or equivalent.